One of the celebrated leaders of Africa, Nelson Mandela once said, “Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world,” At Friends of Humanity Uganda (FOHU), we work to make this a reality for children in Uganda who are willing to continue to higher levels of education but are rather unable to live their dreams due poverty. With more focus on children who have successfully completed primary level, FOHU that began as an individual passion to give support to those whose education was more than just a dream, is now transforming lives and communities.The ball was set rolling by our passionate and compassionate Director and Founder, Mr. Dan D Munyambabazi. He supported five children from different families after they had lost both parents and were left stranded with their strong need and willingness to continue with education.FOHU at the moment celebrates his efforts through the successes of our very own pioneers. Among more others, we celebrate Aine Richard and Garaciano Mbonimpa.Richard was supported with school fees and all other requirements as well as other basic needs from senior one until he graduated in 2016 with a degree in Public Administration and Management. Actually he more or less became a fostered child to Mr Dan. He currently works with Kyambogo University-Kampala in the Office of the Academic Registrar where he serves with passion to ensure that students complete their education journey. This gives joy to FOHU and the hand that picked him to be given a meaningful future.Aine RichardAine RichardWe are also amazed by the great services that Garaciano is now rendering to the refugees in Uganda. Garaciano was picked from a state of total desolate, as a total orphan being looked after by his maternal uncle, he was given hope of life by the compassionate support of FOHU which took him through the levels of education. He is one of our pioneer beneficiaries of FOHU. He was supported by FOHU from Primary six until he completed his Diploma in Education. He currently works with United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and is directly serving with passion and determination to ensure that the Rwamwanja refugee camp residents enjoy their rights.These are a few of the many that have been supported by FOHU. The good news is that they are also extending services to others in their respective capacities. This is a great pride and joy for FOHUHowever, there are very many more children that are still in the conditions that might worryingly rob them of their future dreams. Ndayambaje Ronald has had a dream of being a Medical Doctor since he was 10 years. At 12 years, after he had completed primary seven, his family could not raise the money and requirements needed for him to join secondary school. During our direct interaction moments with the community, we got in touch with him and his family. FOHU took him over since then until May 2019, when he graduated with a diploma in medicine. He is strongly determined to have a degree in medicine and FOHU wishes to continue supporting him though we are limited by funds. With our appeal, we believe, his dreams will be answeredRonald NdayambajeRonald NdayambajeWe have other two children who have successfully completed their high school (Advanced level) and are slated to join the university and other tertiary institutions. They performed so well and have thus earned very honorable courses; Wilberforce has been admitted to Makerere University-Kampala to offered Software Engineering; while Moses has been offered a course of Environmental science. All these are treasurable successes of FOHU.However there are many highly gifted and resourceful children who would equally excel and win such good courses where they would develop their societies and the nation at large. But these children get incapacitated by their social and financial background which keeps their future in a state of abeyance and uncertainty. Such financially humbled children will have their journey focused at a good ending with your kind donation.WilberforceMosesCurrently, this charity has yet other disadvantaged children whom it supports. Truly the progress and future of these children in school is already secured. These lucky children are using their golden opportunity to perform very well in school in all school disciplines; mainly academics. This is so because all their school needs are catered for by FOHU.From left to right (Tallest to the shortest) Obed (Senior Six), Gerald(Senior Three), Michael(Senior Six), Deus(Senior Six), Catherine (Senior Two) and Dickson (Senior One).Be a reason why these children will regain the lost hope of completing their education. Make a donation now-Create a difference-transform lives.