Each year, the newly rolled on beneficiaries of “Friends of Humanity Uganda – FOHU” who are put under the care and support of this charity; are given most of the items required by any child joining secondary school. Selection criteria still remains the same; considering the very vulnerable children, according to the standards set by the FOHU Board of Directors.

As the year 2020 began, FOHU prepared itself to receive the new beneficiaries who would join secondary school under the support of this charity.  School requirements are secured and supplied to the very keenly selected vulnerable children.  These requirements include all scholastic materials, beddings, sanitation materials, clothes and many other personal needs

Charity Logo
Items for selected Children

The FOHU team carried out the 2020 selection to identify the most suitable children for the two available slots for the children to be under the FOHU support.  Ofcourse selection from the very many needy children is one of the most difficult thing to do. However the charity zeroed on the two Alex and Kennedy as per the available slots.

Mfitumukiza Alex, a double orphan, under the care of his grandmother met the key selection criteria and FOHU secured him space among the supported children

Alex visited at his grandmothers’ Home
Alex receiving scholastic materials


Kennedy was also rolled on to the FOHU family with an interest to shape his future and enabling him join Secondary School; which for all these supported children was a nightmare.

Ordinary clothes given out to two children
Kennedy receives school items

On the pending list of the most vulnerable children is Jascent who is kept at the gates of FOHU awaiting to receive a sponsor.  Because of the very narrow selection space of only two children, Jascent did not find her name in; although her rating to be rolled on to the FOHU family were very high. She is a female, orphan, very bright and coming from a very needy family.

Pathetically FOHU pulled a few resources available from left and right in order to let her get some start-up-items pending securing a committed and sustainable supporter.

Jascent visited at home
 Jascent receives items at school

Supporting and educating a girl child is educating and supporting the whole nation and all generations.